Wednesday 1 May 2013

How Our Music Video Drafts Progressed.

Here is the thrilling tale of our drafts, how they were received, and how we changed them because of that feedback. I was waiting for all the drafts to be finished before I made one big master post of the video drafts, and now we're finished, here it is.

This was the very first draft we ever did. As you can see, the shots were shaky and there are massive black spaces, but there's a post dedicated to that earlier on the blog. I showed this to my friends and family, and they told us that:

  • The camerawork didn't do it for them.
  • They liked the concept of the narrative.
  • They especially liked the photobooth shots because it went with the music.
  • Some of the acting in it looked incredibly bad.
In response to these comments, we produced this:

Here, we re-filmed the narrative shots, but kept the photobooth shots, in accordance to the feedback we had received.

We then showed this to people are their comments were that:

  • They still liked the photobooth scene.
  • They thought the camerawork had improved.
  • They liked the idea of the narrative still.
  • They thought the phone section could have looked a bit better.
  • The last narrative scene seemed a bit rushed.
  • The last shot didn't seem to flow.
  • There was a continuity error in the last narrative scene, with people magically moving places.
In response to these comments, we produced this, our final draft:

The feedback we got from this one was:

  • They liked the performance bits, as they thought it showed us well as a band.
  • They liked the house bits, but they didn't get why we were all different colours.
  • They liked the bit with Ben looking at the notes and especially the clip of the arrows along the wall leading to 'come in...'. I like that bit, too. I didn't at first but it's grown on me.
  • They liked that we fixed the continuity error.
And that is the magical story of our music video. 

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